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How to properly mix plant nutrients

by 09 Apr 2023

How to properly mix plant nutrients

Many growers are unaware of how absorption and uptake rates affect the order in which you mix plant nutrients.

If you do not mix plant nutrients in the correct order, some of them might form precipitates, and your plants won't be able to absorb them correctly.

Therefore, this article will cover the correct order in which you can mix the plant nutrients. But before that, let’s cover some basics regarding plant nutrient mixing and some information about general safety.

Mixing Plant Nutrients - The Basics

Although it might seem obvious, it's crucial to keep in mind that before adding any nutrients, you need them in the water base. Please do not attempt to mix nutrients before using water to dilute them.

If you mix nutrients without water, they will react chemically in ways that you don't want and form precipitates. As a result, your plants will not be getting nutrients in the required proportions.

RO water is ideal

Tap water is not ideal for growing your plants. Therefore, some brands specifically develop their nutrients for use with tap water.

Tap water undergoes a treatment process so that humans can safely consume it. However, in order to do this, chemicals like chloramine and chlorine are added, which are harmful to your plants.

There is a variety of particulate matter in tap water that affects EC and PPM. It's best to investigate your water content and purchase a water filter.

Additionally, you can get a RO filter. Sediment filters and dechlorinators are simpler options. Either way, you should opt for one of the above options.

This way, you'll be able to ensure that you have pure water for your nutrient feed.

The correct order for mixing your nutrients

For mixing the nutrients, you need to know that order isn't the only important thing. You must wait for your plants to absorb all the nutrients before you go any further.

However, this can be different for different growers because a lot of growers don't use Cal-mag or silica. Therefore, you should ideally mix your plant nutrients as below:


Begin with adding a silica supplement to the water and leave it for around 10 minutes.

The time is necessary for the silica to properly bond with the water. Adding other nutrients earlier will lead to it remaining separate and falling out of other nutrients.

Many growers even recommend waiting for half an hour so the silica can completely bond with the water before proceeding further.

The wait can be admittedly annoying because you would rather feed your plants quickly, but you need to let your plants thrive healthily.

2.Base nutrients

Once the silica is mixed correctly and the appropriate amount of time has passed (10 minutes at least), you can begin adding your base nutrients.

The nutrient line that you use and the feeding schedule usually have a prescribed order for feeding.

Most growers mix the part which contains phosphate first. Phosphate could be labeled either A or B. Usually, the phosphate labeled as B is common.


Once you add the base nutrients, it’s time to add Cal-mag, depending on if you use it. If you are using RO water, Cal-mag is essential because your RO filter also filters the minerals.

Cal-mag is also essential if you're using cocoa as a growing medium. Coco-coir tends to absorb calcium, which prevents your plants from receiving enough of it.

4.Other Supplements and Additives

The last thing to add is any other supplements and additives. Here is a list of frequently used additives:

Some of the most common additives include:

5.Adjusting the pH

The last step is adjusting the pH value of the nutrient solution. Sometimes growers attempt to adjust the pH value of their water before adding the nutrients. There’s no point in doing that because a lot of what you’ll be adding already changes the pH value.

Many of the nutrients you will add will decrease the pH value to an ideal level. You can use a pH meter to determine if your pH value is ideal, i.e., 5.8 to 6.8.

How to Mix Plant Nutrients for A Commercial Grow Room

For a commercial grow room with many reservoirs and a lot of plants, it's best to invest in an auto doser.

An auto doser can automatically feed nutrients and adjust your pH, which saves you the hassle of manually doing the same.

Here at Groindoor, we have a variety of auto dosers. We have the simple Bluelab pH Controller & Auto Doser, as well as the advanced Total Grow Control Eden.

What are the right Nutrients for Me?

Now you know the best ways to mix plant nutrients. If you still haven't bought your nutrients, chances are you might still be thinking about the ideal nutrients for your plants.

If you're growing for the first time, starting with 2-3 nutrients, with fewer supplements like Cal-mag, silica, and rooting stimulants, is safer.

You can read this article on the best plant nutrients for different growing styles.

And if you’re still unsure, you can always contact, and we can help you out!

Aug 1st 2022
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