Fulvic & Humic Acids

Most growers don't know that both Fulvic and Humic acids are mandatory for both soil and hydroponic systems. Both these acids act as intermediate chelators and collaborate with soil-based nutrients to increase absorption. Apart from that, they also perform several other tasks, which amplify the overall yield quantity. An additional...

Most growers don't know that both Fulvic and Humic acids are mandatory for both soil and hydroponic systems. Both these acids act as intermediate chelators and collaborate with soil-based nutrients to increase absorption. Apart from that, they also perform several other tasks, which amplify the overall yield quantity.

An additional benefit of these acids is that they also increase the plant's size in height. Do you know the best part? They also enhance the plant's resistance to counteract environmental stress, pests and diseases. But where does the difference lie between Humic and fulvic acids? Let's find out!

Major Differences between Fulvic and Humic Acids

One of the most apparent differences between Fulvic and Humic acids is the difference in size. Molecules of Humic acid are comparatively larger and excellent for soil conditioning as compared to the Fulvic acid ones, which are more biologically active. Fulvic acids are also used to make a foliar spray and are quicker to act. However, you will find that most products are built from a mixture of Fulvic and Humic acid for maximum benefits!

The Bottom Line

By now, you must have a clear understanding of Fulvic and Humic Acids. If you want to know more about these nutrients, then read our blogs on Nutrients and Fertilizers to make the right decision for your plants! You can also call one of our experts at 866-GRO-INDR, and they'll help you make the right choice! So, what are you waiting for? Visit our Groindoor.com right now!

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