Controlling humidity in your grow tent isn’t too difficult if you keep in mind the tips shared in this blog. By setting up the right ventilation system, you can prevent yourself from struggling to handle the humidity in your grow tent. If things ever go out of control, you can quickly remedy the situation by investing in a portable, small-scale dehumidifier – Gro Indoor
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Controlling Humidity in A Grow Tent

by Kunal Khatri 09 Apr 2023

Controlling Humidity in A Grow Tent



Quick Navigation

Importance of Humidity Control

Ideal Humidity Range in a Grow Tent

Effect of Temperature on Humidity Range

How to Control Humidity in a Grow Tent

Ventilation System Setup in Your Grow Tent

How a Grow Tent Dehumidifier Decreases Moisture in a Grow Tent

Raising Humidity in a Grow Tent

Final Words on How to Control Humidity in Grow Tents


An essential part of indoor growing is learning how to control humidity in your grow tents. Plants have particular needs, so you need to consider a variety of factors before you start growing them indoors. Let's discuss some of the basics of controlling humidity in a grow tent, but before we move forward, you need to know why is it essential to create an ideal growing environment for your plants.

Importance of Humidity Control

During each growth stage, your plants need nutrient-rich water solutions, given to them at regular intervals. The needs of your plants may change with the changes in the room's humidity. When humidity is high, plants use leaves to absorb moisture, causing them to drink less water from their roots. Also, high humidity can make plants more susceptible to mildew issues. On the other hand, when humidity is low, they pull more water from the roots.

Since humidity affects your plants directly, it increases their water intake and gives you a better control of your plant's nutrient intake. When your plants don't get adequate supply of nutrients, they can turn dry and become more prone to heat stress. Therefore, learning how to control humidity in grow tents is essential. Before we start learning how to control humidity in grow tents, we need to know the ideal humidity range across different plant growth stages.

Plants generally prefer a slightly humid environment so you need to know the ideal humidity range for every plant growth stage. During seedling and early veg, plants prefer higher moisture levels. This range reduces as the life cycle moves forward. Here are some of the essential guidelines for managing humidity for plants in a grow tent at different stages:

Seedling/early veg: 70-75%

Veg: 50-70%

Flower: 40-50%

Temperature has a direct association with the humidity levels in a grow tent. To put things in a better perspective, you need to understand the concept of vapor pressure deficit. It will also help you better grasp the ideal humidity range you need to keep in the grow tent at any particular stage.

There are a couple of ways on how to control humidity in a grow tent. First is having a sound ventilation system, and the second is using a dehumidifier.

If you're planning to grow plants indoors, it is mandatory to have a sound ventilation system setup in your grow tent. Having the right ventilation system is perhaps the easiest way to dial in humidity and prevent several issues like excessive moisture. Since proper ventilation is essential for indoor plant growth,we make sure we include it in our grow tent kits.

You can set up the timer to ensure your tent is exhausted at regular intervals of 5-10 minutes, or you can leave the exhaust system running all day long. This technique is useful for the flowering stage in the plant’s growth cycle, as it helps to cut back the odor and extra moisture. You can also use clip-on fans for quickly decreasing humidity levels.If a ventilation system is not enough to control humidity, you may also use a dehumidifier.

Even though most grow tent users don't need a dehumidifier, it can be needed in situations when plants become bushy and crowded, making it challenging to keep the moisture levels down.

Most people think of dehumidifiers as a commercial intervention for controlling humidity. However, many of these dehumidifiers also offer air conditioning features, helping you manage heat levels in the grow tent.

If you're looking for something more convenient, we recommend getting a portable dehumidifier. These are perfect for indoor growing, given you have the extra space. A portable dehumidifier can work for growers looking to remove between 30 pints and 180+ pints in a single day. This shows that we have a solution for every size grower. Check out some of our best products here:

  • Active Air Dehumidifier
  • Anden Dehumidifier Movable
  • Anden Industrial Dehumidifier
  • In most cases, growers struggle with lowering the humidity in grow tents rather than raising it. Despite that, there are conditions when raising humidity levels in the grow tent becomes essential. In such instances, there are few things that growers can do. The quickest, and perhaps the easiest, way is to make changes to the ventilation system. You can increase the time between cycles to ensure that the moisture isn't sucked out from the tent too quickly.

    You can also leave a reservoir with water in the tent and have a clip-on fan blow across it. It is more of a shotgun approach that can help increase moisture levels in the tent, as there isn't a way for you to automate this process.

    You will also have to continuously monitor the situation by turning the fans on and off accordingly. If you're not careful, it could be harmful for your plants if mold or mildew start growing due to unbalanced moisture levels in your grow tent.

    A better approach can be to use a grow tent humidifier. Like dehumidifiers, these are commonly used in commercial settings and have plenty of use for hobby growers. A standard Commercial Grade Humidifier comes in two variations: 75-pints and 200-pints.The 75-pint option can significantly help you increase moisture levels in a dry tent, while the 200-pint one is also useful in many cases.

    Controlling humidity in your grow tent isn’t too difficult if you keep in mind the tips shared in this blog. By setting up the right ventilation system, you can prevent yourself from struggling to handle the humidity in your grow tent.If things ever go out of control, you can quickly remedy the situation by investing in a portable, small-scale dehumidifier. Now that you know how to control humidity in grow tents, we hope that your plants grow perfectly! Let us know if you have any questions.

    Mar 30th 2021
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