Silica can be very beneficial for your plants for increasing nutrient uptake, boosting growth, and increasing plant strength. Here is a complete guide on the best sources of Silica for your plants. – Gro Indoor
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Everything you need to know about using Silica for Plants

by Kunal Khatri 09 Apr 2023

Everything you need to know about using Silica for Plants

Silica is an important source of nutrients for plants, but it is also one that people miss out on often. The reason for that is that not everyone knows the magic of using Silica for plants. In this article, we will be covering just how you can improve your feeding regimen through the use of Silica. However, before we dive headfirst into the uses of Silica, let's first cover all the basics. If you're wondering what exactly Silica is, continue reading to find out.

What is Silica?

Silica is formed when Silicon reacts with Oxygen. Silica, a form of Silicon dioxide, is actually one of the most (second only to Oxygen) abundant elements on the planet, which is why it's present in huge quantities in many soils.

You will find many kinds of Silica available, but perhaps the most commons ones are:

  • Potassium silicate
  • Calcium silicate
  • Silicic Acid

Now that we have an idea of what Silica is, let us move on to what makes it so great for your plants. .

Benefits of Silica for plants

Silica is great for your plant. It does not directly boost bud size, potency, or terpenes, but it does result in a great harvest. Some of the common benefits of Silica are:

Plants, especially those grown in poor soil, can benefit from Silica as it increases the uptake of nutrients present in the growing media. Silica is thought to affect the binding of nutrients to soil particles, making them more available for your plant to absorb them.

Many tests conducted to study Silica's effects on the plant have shown promising results in terms of growth. According to those tests, plants with Silica had stems that were thicker and thus stronger. Flowering in plants being fed Silica was also earlier than those growing without Silica, with the flower head also being bigger in diameter

Silica can be very helpful for plants, especially for those growing outdoors. Silica, when absorbed by the plant, impregnates the cell wall and xylem, making them stronger. Silica also reduces the water loss in plants through transpiration, increasing leaf resistance. Plants that have to soldier the harsh weather and winds outside can benefit from the added strength provided by Silica.

You put so much effort into growing your plant; it would be a shame if all your hard work goes to waste because of spider mites or powdery mildew. Growing indoor or outdoor, it is important that you provide your plants a fighting chance against these pests and diseases. The thicker cell wall, made possible thanks to Silica, decreases the likelihood of your plant cell's being penetrated by these pathogens. With silica hardening the cell walls, the pests eventually end up leaving your plan alone in the search for weaker prey. Now that we know how great Silica is for your plants let us move onto how you can provide your plant with the best possible source of Silica.

Best Silica Sources for Your Plant

If you want to get the most out of your Silica supplements, ensure that you use the best possible sources available in the market. Different products provide a varying degree of solubility to the plant, which is why you need to be careful when choosing a Silica Source. Many factors, such as molecular size and structure, make every Silica product different. Let us look at a few of the sources available in the market for your plant:

Perhaps Silica's most common form, Potassium Silicate, is not as bioavailable for your plants as we would like. That means that even after you feed your plant with Potassium Silicate, you have no way of knowing how much of it is actually absorbed by the plant. Not only is the chemical insoluble, but it is also pretty quick when it comes to destabilizing while sitting on your shelf. Another issue with Potassium Silicate is that it is on the more alkaline side of the PH scale, thus requiring effort to switch up the soil PH.

Mono Silicic, also known as Ortho silicic acid, is a better Silica form for your plant. We say that because it is more readily available to be absorbed by your plant. The availability of Mono Silicic Acid allows you to measure each dose you give to your plant accurately. What's more, is that Mono Silicic Acid does not destabilize over time and does not even need any PH adjustments when applied.

The Best Silica Supplement for your Plant

Now that you know the best sources, you are probably wondering where you can find this magical compound. look no further. has everything you will ever need for your planting needs. Visit today so that you can get shopping!

May 5th 2021
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